It's about 2130 Hawaii time, and I was about to hit the hay for the night, but I quickly realized I hadn't posted on the blog today. Okay, so I can blame it on the migraine headache, but I won't ... I promised not to neglect the blog. I 'm trying that 20-times-and-it's-a-habit rule. I hope it works.
I digress.

The top-two errors seen are "it's vs. its" and the improper apostrophe use in plurals as you see in the photo to the left. The only time we use the form "it's" is when you are using it as a contraction. "Its" in the plural form does not take the apostrophe. Grammar Girl has additional tips on her blog at
Don't forget, however, that more information on the apostrophe can also be found in the back of the AP Stylebook in the punctuation section. Once you finished reading that entry, flip the pages to the hyphen entry. We will talk more about that one later.
Until next time ... Write on!
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